Exit 38-Heidelberg/Schwetzingen onto B535 direction Schwetzingen
Exit Plankstadt-Süd
At the traffic light left direction Plankstadt-Süd onto Oftersheimer
First left onto Eisenbahnstraße
Second left onto Luisenstraße
Third left onto Beethovenstraße
Exit 28-Mannheim/Schwetzingen Richtung Schwetzingen-Nord onto B36
Continue on B535 (signs to A5/Heidelberg/Plankstadt/Schwetzingen-Nord)
Exit Plankstadt, Schwetzingen-Mitte (before the tunnel)
Left at the traffic light onto Schwetzinger Landstraße
Third right onto Luisenstraße
Second right onto Beethoven Straße
tram 713 Bismarckplatz end of line station Eppelheim, Bus 713 direction
Schwetzingen, station "Plankstadt Rathaus", 30 minutes
DB train Schwetzingen station (10 minutes) bus 713 direction Eppelheim,
station "Plankstadt Rathaus" (alternatively 15 minutes walk
from Schwetzingen Station)